Monday, January 21, 2013

Is he?

Is he what you wanted as a mate for life?  Yes?  Then why are you trying to change him?  After you say "I Do" then you have agreed to accept him for who he is and he you.  Are you living in sorrow over your choice?  If so, then you have a great opportunity to warn others who are contemplating matrimony! 

What does the Lord want us to do while we are single?  He wants us to set our standards so high for a mate it will cause people to treat you indifferntly.  The Lord wants you to have a good marriage and even when you do find that special person, God's Word says you will have tribulation.  Marriage is a triangle: God, you, and your mate.  If you are a believer and you marry someone who is not, you will live a life of regret.   English Standard Version (©2001)
"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?"

Here is an inspired wedding song:

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Twenty Years

"I will go Church when I'm old" was the response from my sister when I witnessed to her about the Lord.  You would not believe how many people think that going to Church is for old people.  Even worse they associate going to Church with being saved!  They perceive being saved a last minute thing to do in order to go to heaven.  They really do know there is a heaven and hell, but they want to go to heaven on their own terms.  To me, this is truly sad.

My sister has been in hell now for over twenty years.  She never did call upon the Lord for her salvation.  What is twenty years in hell?  We can compare it to throwing an aspirin into the ocean of time! 

Today is the day to call upon the Lord for tomorrow is not promised to no one!