Sunday, November 13, 2011

His Plan

"What is God's Plan for your life?"  The pastor had asked this many times before, but today it seemed to purge me for an answer.  I don't do anything spectacular or eye catching for the Lord.  Thoughts of my friend of old started a wedding chapel in her church and books weddings.  The pastor give Godly counsel to those who want to be married in the chapel.  Suddenly I was really down in my Spirit.

What was His plan for me?  The Holy Spirit's answer was simple and yet a long life time of work in progress.  John 6:29...Jesus answered, "The work of God is this:  that you believe in the one whom He has sent."  His plan is that we become like Jesus.  It involves living with our focus on Christ.  It involves living Holy lives which prepares us for eternity.  It involves having a heart for Christ and His wants.

That is His plan for my life and then I will enter that eternal place where all things will be made known to me!  Praise the Lord!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Joyce Meyers

Is Joyce Meyers a false teacher?  There are a couple of scriptures that will prove she is certainly out of line when it comes to the order inside of God's government here on earth.  It is very clear in I Timothy 2:12 that women cannot usurp authority over a man or teach a man out of scripture.  Women are only allowed to teach other women...Titus 2:3-5.

It is getting more popular for women on television to start their own ministries.  According to scripture, they are not aligned with God's Word.  Are they false teachers?  I can say that they are not obeying what the scriptures teach.  I would call this a great lack of discernment on their part.  Many things are being done for the Lord out of the flesh and when that happens, we need to take a good look at these teachers.